[ { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "IAO:0000115", "object": "A bronchial disease that is characterized by chronic inflammation and narrowing of the airways, which is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic factors. The disease has_symptom recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound while breathing), has_symptom chest tightness, has_symptom shortness of breath, has_symptom mucus production and has_symptom coughing.", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "{\"dce:type\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"obo:ECO_0007637\"}],\"oio:hasDbXref\":[{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/Asthma/Asthma_WhatIs.html\"},{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430901/\"},{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7223/\"}]}" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:12703", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:187687003", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:inSubset", "object": "obo:doid#DO_rare_slim", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:inSubset", "object": "obo:doid#NCIthesaurus", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "bronchial hyperreactivity", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "rdf:type", "object": "owl:Class", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "rdfs:subClassOf", "object": "DOID:1176", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "rdfs:comment", "object": "Xref MGI.", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "chronic obstructive asthma with status asthmaticus", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "UMLS_CUI:C0004096", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "ICD9CM:493", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "chronic obstructive asthma", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "", "object": "MESH:D001249", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "OMIM:600807", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "ICD10CM:J45", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "Exercise induced asthma", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:id", "object": "DOID:2841", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:13829", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:2841", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "GARD:10246", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" } ]