[ { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:5839", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "UMLS_CUI:C1334581", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "rdfs:subClassOf", "object": "DOID:2994", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "NCI:C3918", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasRelatedSynonym", "object": "tumor of extragonadal germ cell", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "rdfs:label", "object": "extragonadal germ cell cancer", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "UMLS_CUI:C0262963", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:inSubset", "object": "obo:doid#NCIthesaurus", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasOBONamespace", "object": "disease_ontology", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "rdf:type", "object": "owl:Class", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "neoplasm of Extragonadal germ cell", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "extragonadal germ cell malignant tumor", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:id", "object": "DOID:4717", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "NCI:C8881", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:4717", "predicate": "IAO:0000115", "object": "A germ cell cancer that derives_from germ cells that are found in areas of the body other than the ovary or testicle. The tumors originate in the sperm forming cells in the testicles or egg producing cells in the ovary.", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "{\"dce:type\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"obo:ECO_0007637\"}],\"oio:hasDbXref\":[{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:http://tcrc.acor.org/egc.html\"},{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types/extragonadal-germ-cell\"}]}" } ]