[ { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "IAO:0000115", "object": "A coccidiosis that has_material_basis_in protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite effects most genera of warm-blooded animals, including humans, but the primary host is the felid (cat) family. Animals are infected by eating infected meat, by ingestion of feces of a cat that has itself recently been infected, or transmission_by mother to fetus. The symptoms include bilateral, nontender cervical or axillary lymphadenopathy, fever, malaise, myalgia, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia and leukopenia.", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "{\"dce:type\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"obo:ECO_0007638\"}],\"oio:hasDbXref\":[{\"datatype\":\"xsd:string\",\"meta\":\"owl:Axiom\",\"object\":\"url:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis\"}]}" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "rdfs:subClassOf", "object": "DOID:2113", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "rdf:type", "object": "owl:Class", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "ICD9CM:130", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:266225001", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "NCI:C3418", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "ICD10CM:B58", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:id", "object": "DOID:9965", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:13334", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasOBONamespace", "object": "disease_ontology", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "UMLS_CUI:C0040558", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "rdfs:label", "object": "toxoplasmosis", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:inSubset", "object": "obo:doid#NCIthesaurus", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:inSubset", "object": "obo:doid#DO_infectious_disease_slim", "datatype": "_IRI", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:13344", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasExactSynonym", "object": "disseminated toxoplasmosis", "datatype": "@en", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasAlternativeId", "object": "DOID:13339", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "rdfs:subClassOf", "object": "{\"owl:onProperty\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"object\":\"obo:RO_0002452\"}],\"owl:someValuesFrom\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"object\":\"obo:SYMP_0000613\"}],\"rdf:type\":[{\"datatype\":\"_IRI\",\"object\":\"owl:Restriction\"}]}", "datatype": "_JSON", "annotation": "" }, { "assertion": 1, "retraction": 0, "graph": "graph", "subject": "DOID:9965", "predicate": "oio:hasDbXref", "object": "MESH:D014123", "datatype": "xsd:string", "annotation": "" } ]