assertion retraction graph subject predicate object datatype annotation 1 0 graph DOID:1024 IAO:0000115 A primary bacterial infectious disease that results_in infection located_in superficial peripheral nerves, located_in skin, located_in mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, located_in anterior chamber of the eyes, or located_in testes, has_material_basis_in Mycobacterium leprae, which is transmitted_by aerosol spread from infected nasal secretions to exposed nasal and oral mucosa. The infection has_symptom skin lesions, has_symptom sensory loss, has_symptom motor loss and has_symptom eye damage. xsd:string "{""dce:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007638""}],""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}"