assertion retraction graph subject predicate object datatype annotation 1 0 graph DOID:3892 IAO:0000115 A pancreatic cystadenoma that is characterized by the overproduction of insulin. xsd:string "{""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph obo:CHEBI_83821 rdfs:label amino acid derivative xsd:string 1 0 graph obo:CHEBI_83821 oio:id CHEBI:83821 xsd:string 1 0 graph obo:CHEBI_83821 rdfs:subClassOf obo:CHEBI_35352 _IRI 1 0 graph obo:CHEBI_83821 rdf:type owl:Class _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:3178 IAO:0000115 A skin benign neoplasm that is composed of epithelial cells and a fibrous stalk. xsd:string "{""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph DOID:1035 IAO:0000115 A leukemia that is characterized by the systemic proliferation of NK cells closely associated with Epstein-Barr virus and that is located_in the peripheral blood, bone marrow, liver, and spleen. xsd:string "{""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""},{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""},{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph DOID:1642 IAO:0000115 A breast myoepithelial neoplasm that affects the breast and is characterized by biphasic proliferation of both epithelial and myoepithelial cells. xsd:string "{""dce:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007645""}],""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph DOID:6809 owl:deprecated true xsd:boolean 1 0 graph DOID:6809 rdfs:label obsolete vaginal tubular adenoma xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:6809 rdfs:comment retired NCI concept. xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:6809 oio:inSubset obo:doid#NCIthesaurus _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:6809 oio:id DOID:6809 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:6809 oio:hasOBONamespace disease_ontology xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:6809 rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:6809 rdf:type owl:Class _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:3274 IAO:0000115 A breast fibrocystic disease that is characterized by the presence of epithelial cell hyperplasia and the absence of epithelial atypia. xsd:string "{""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph DOID:0060029 rdfs:label autoimmune disease of exocrine system xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:0060029 oio:id DOID:0060029 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:0060029 oio:hasOBONamespace disease_ontology xsd:string