assertion retraction graph subject predicate object datatype annotation 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:inSubset obo:doid#DO_infectious_disease_slim _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasOBONamespace disease_ontology xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:id DOID:12549 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasDbXref SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:40468003 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasExactSynonym Viral hepatitis, type A @en 1 0 graph DOID:12549 rdfs:subClassOf "{""owl:onProperty"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""object"":""obo:RO_0002452""}],""owl:someValuesFrom"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""object"":""obo:SYMP_0000613""}],""rdf:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""object"":""owl:Restriction""}]}" _JSON 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:inSubset obo:doid#NCIthesaurus _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:12549 rdfs:label hepatitis A xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasRelatedSynonym Viral hepatitis A @en 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:12547 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasDbXref MESH:D006506 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 rdf:type owl:Class _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasDbXref UMLS_CUI:C0019159 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 oio:hasDbXref NCI:C3096 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:12549 rdfs:subClassOf DOID:934 _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:12549 IAO:0000115 A viral infectious disease that results_in inflammation located_in liver, has_material_basis_in Hepatitis A virus, which is transmitted_by ingestion of contaminated food or water, or transmitted_by direct contact with an infected person. The infection has_symptom fever, has_symptom fatigue, has_symptom loss of appetite, has_symptom nausea, has_symptom vomiting, has_symptom abdominal pain, has_symptom clay-colored bowel movements, has_symptom joint pain, and has_symptom jaundice. xsd:string "{""dce:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007637""}],""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""},{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}"