assertion retraction graph subject predicate object datatype annotation 1 0 graph DOID:552 IAO:0000115 A lung disease that involves lung parenchyma or alveolar inflammation and abnormal alveolar filling with fluid (consolidation and exudation). It results from a variety of causes including infection with bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites, and chemical or physical injury to the lungs. It is accompanied by fever, chills, cough, and difficulty in breathing. xsd:string "{""dce:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007638""}],""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}" 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasDbXref NCI:C3333 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasExactSynonym acute pneumonia @en 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:5871 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasDbXref SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:266391003 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasDbXref MESH:D011014 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:11742 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasDbXref UMLS_CUI:C0032285 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasOBONamespace disease_ontology xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:id DOID:552 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:10509 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 oio:inSubset obo:doid#NCIthesaurus _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:552 rdfs:label pneumonia xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:552 rdf:type owl:Class _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:552 rdfs:subClassOf DOID:850 _IRI