assertion retraction graph subject predicate object datatype annotation 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasDbXref NCI:C3198 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 rdfs:comment Updating out dated CUI and removing lung abscess as a synonym. xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:766 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasDbXref MESH:D008171 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:inSubset obo:doid#NCIthesaurus _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:11894 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasOBONamespace disease_ontology xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:11895 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 rdfs:label lung disease xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasDbXref UMLS_CUI:C0024115 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 rdfs:subClassOf DOID:0050161 _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:850 rdf:type owl:Class _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:inSubset obo:doid#DO_RAD_slim _IRI 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:id DOID:850 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasDbXref ICD10CM:J98.4 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasDbXref SNOMEDCT_US_2023_03_01:266374002 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 oio:hasAlternativeId DOID:29 xsd:string 1 0 graph DOID:850 IAO:0000115 A lower respiratory tract disease in which the function of the lungs is adversely affected by narrowing or blockage of the airways resulting in poor air flow, a loss of elasticity in the lungs that produces a decrease in the total volume of air that the lungs are able to hold, and clotting, scarring, or inflammation of the blood vessels that affect the ability of the lungs to take up oxygen and to release carbon dioxide. xsd:string "{""dce:type"":[{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007637""},{""datatype"":""_IRI"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""obo:ECO_0007640""}],""oio:hasDbXref"":[{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""},{""datatype"":""xsd:string"",""meta"":""owl:Axiom"",""object"":""url:""}]}"